Friday, June 19, 2015

Lovely Day for a Motorcycle Ride

Maids, front desk personnel, people in the lobby, everyone I hear is talking about how crappy the weather is this morning. Rain and 14. I'm a runner, kilometers are second nature to me, I just flip the switch when I'm in Canada. Celsius, meh, not so much. And the conversion isn't a simple multiplier like, say, kilograms. All I know is 35 is damned hot, 30 is a nice day, 25 is starting to get nice. 20, ehh, could be nicer. 14? I don't think "nice" or "hot" get used to describe it. I've ridden in worse this trip, so I'll get the electric liner out and my on-sale goose down vest that I'm *really* starting to appreciate.

Yeah, I think that's me where the little pointer is at. <voice=deadpan>Hurray.</voice>


  1. Thanks for the tales. Lot's of good memories from my Alaska jog even with the daily showers. The scenery and people were great -- even on a ST. The Alaska Marine Highway from Skagway to Prince Rupert was a nice break after a couple of weeks in the saddle. They have camping (& showers) on the fantail.
    Carl in Bethesda

  2. Welcome home! Last we looked you were South of Bellingham - figured you would make it, and went to bed. A great trip, lots of memories. talk to you soon.

  3. Enjoyed reading your TR. Thanks for keeping the blog.
